torstai 3. huhtikuuta 2008

Replace a string in Oracle database field

update myTable a set someField = replace (a.someField,'Ä','A') where someField is not null;
update myTable a set someField = replace (a.someField,'Ö','ö') where someField is not null;
update myTable a set someField = replace (a.someField,'Å','A') where someField is not null;

Oracle Case-When example

case when category = 'Microsoft'
then 'Yes!!'
else 'No'
end as microsoft_spotted

List all tables in your Oracle database

select owner, table_name from all_tables;
select * from all_tables;
more on

Howto register Dll and Exe in command-line

To un/register Dll:
c:\>regsvr32 "C:\Windows\System32\My.dll"
c:\>regsvr32 /u "C:\Windows\System32\My.dll"

To un/register Exe:
c:\>"C:\Program Files\MyAppLocation\My.exe" /REGSERVER
c:\>"C:\Program Files\MyAppLocation\My.exe" /UNREGSERVER

to kill a process from taskmanager from command-line

First you should check that process is really found at taskmanager. You can list processes with command TASKLIST. To kill a process use TASKKILL.
E.g. c:\>tasklist
To kill a process if you know it's process id (PID)
E.g. c:\>taskkill /pid 12345
To kill a process if you only know it's name
E.g. c:\>taskkill /im "winamp.exe"
To find a process if you know partial name
E.g. c:\>tasklist /fi "imagename eq win*"
For more examples
E.g. c:\>tasklist /?
E.g. c:\>taskkill /?

Some Error messages with possible solution in asp-pages

HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error
Internet Information Services

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
You have mistyped your your database name. Check from tnsnames.ora it exists and is working. Check you can connect to database with SQLPlus.

HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP error
Internet Information Services

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
Unspecified error
/website/some.asp, line 13
Your database is not running. Start your database. Check you can connect to database with SQLPlus.